Welcome to our Academy Home Page.
This site is dedicated to Ellen DeGenres and Dr. Wayne Dyer. I was so inspired by Dr. Dyer's story and how he realized
that one person's kindness leads to another's. It is called the "Law of Reciprocity." Ellen DeGenres or as I call her,
"Ellen The Generous" has times over given and given acts of kindness to individuals and her audience, but even
more, she has given laughter to all of us: to the wounded, the broken hearted, and the lonely. For these reasons we
are dedicating our Academy Founding to Ellen DeGenres and Dr. Wayne Dyer. We show our Graditute by forming the
Academy of Restorative Kindness and Wellness. The Academy gives award certificates to individuals who do random acts of kindness
to another person, we also give out Hero awards to people who save someone, risk thier life for another. Please send
your stories in...we are working on a book about Kindness and each year our school annual will include people who do acts
of kindness.
If you would like to share a story of an act of kindness that made a difference in your life you can also send that in.
Our Academy sends out care packages of gift cards to those in need, clothing for children in need, Adults
returning to the work force. We have purses for Women of abuse that include gift cards, phone cards, wallets, tissues, make-up
and even cell phones as they come in. We train our students in volunteer work in the community and to prepare them for
work with organizations during disaster or crisis. We also do placement for volunteer and paid positions upon certification
and completion of the Academy courses.
Dr. Wayne Dyers books are used in curriculum. Many other wellness and self help books are also used as curriculum reading
along with our standard course load.
Want to sponor our Academy donate below at paypal.
Our Academy offers a home study course on Kindness, acts of kindness and the benefits and rewards of treating others
as you would want to be treated. We sponsor many civic and community fund raisers for awareness of our academy goals.
Join our classified section by email for FREE STUFF and FREE Cycle services. Want to give or get something keep your
eyes posted to our Classified page. You can list items below for free on the form and they will be posted within two working
Click on the links above for admission details to the Academy and home study course. We hope to open Schools across the
Nation in the next few years. If you would like to sponsor ouracademy and research, you can donate below at paypal and
your name will go on the hall of fame list as a founder.